A quick update . . .

First, this will probably be my last entry until Thursday, since the exam is Tuesday & Wednesday of next week. I'm feeling more confident. I've got my major outline down to about 20 pages of material, and it's getting smaller everyday! My MBE percentage keeps going up too, I was in the 60% range on Wednesday.

Monday is my relaxation day. I have a bikini wax & massage scheduled, with the wax first of course! This will be my first bikini wax, so I'm a little nervous. But, I don't want to deal with that crap during my 2 weeks at the beach! The massage is simply to relax me pre-exam. We've been told not to study on Monday, just to let our brains rest.

I've had a horrible grass allergy the last couple of days. I finally had to break down and go to the doctor this morning for some allergy medication. My legs were swollen yesterday and I've got tons of little red welts. Thankfully, it's already better --shots work wonders.

Today was the last day of bootcamp for this month. I really would love to do August, but since I'm going to be gone for 2 1/2 weeks, it's pointless to pay for it and miss that much. However, September through November I'm there. The first and last days are PT tests: 1 mile run, stair sprint, 1 minute of push-ups & 1 minute of sit-ups. I improved across the board, which is nice. It's nice to see improvements, especially since I can't tell physically. I'm really proud of my mile time, it went from 13:24 on the first day to 10:15 today -- that's 3 minutes! I never thought I'd be close to running a 10 minute mile!

Countdown to Exam: 3 days! (Have I mentioned the panic attacks, indigestion, shakes? Ah, they're not that bad!)


Dogeared said...

Well done on the study and the bootcamp! I'm about the same time as you.

Good luck for the exams!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.