Looking Down (83 of 365)


This was taken at Lullwater Park. As I was walking along the paved trail, dodging puddles as I went, I spotted the reflection of the branches in this little puddle. I tried to get the same effect in a few other puddles, but couldn't get it right. Most of the time, you could see the reflection and the pavement underneath. That wasn't what I was going for. This one turned out just right, though.


Chesney said...

Your eyes were open during this walk - fabulous find! Really a neat image!

Lorri said...

Great shot! The contrast of the tree in the puddle is so strong. Very well done!

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Like a silhouette seen while squinting, top take.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a great capture! Good eye!

Anonymous said...

Very nice. Some times it pays to be looking at the ground.

mljrbg said...

Glad you explained this one because I was trying to figure out what it was!! Absolutely fabulous. Should be a contest winner!!

jo said...

Nice puddle shot. I'd never have guessed if you hadn't explained.