Baked Goods (12 of 365)


First, I so did not make these. These are two bite brownies that I picked up at the grocery store this week. I was craving brownies, but did not want to actually make them!


Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Inventive, creative and satisfied what more could a photographer ask for

terricreates said...

Ah they look so delicious, can you send some my way? If you had not said they were purchased I would not have know otherwise. Nice tasy picture, LOL.

Chesney said...

I love it, you bake like I do!! Nice pic!

jo said...

Well, you didn't bake it, but you composed a delicious looking shot!

mljrbg said...


Anonymous said...

You are making my mouth water. Rich and tasty photo!

Anonymous said...

Those things are so good!