Road/Street (134 of 365)


This large puddle of water was in my path as I was walking around Emory University. I really liked the colorful reflection of the trees and the sky.

And, a wider shot, to give you a better idea of the surroundings.


Chesney said...

I especially like the 2nd image so you can see the puddle - this is awesome and so clear! What a great find and an even better image!!

KimR. said...

Very cool!

tterlyn said...

I like the 2nd one too, very nice shot.

Anonymous said...

Why do some puddles reflect better than others, I wonder? This one is terrific - great captures...

Nan said...

I would never have guessed it to be a street shot without your explanation and the second picture. Great capture of the reflection.

jo said...

Great reflection! I, too, didn't catch on until I saw the second shot.

Anonymous said...

No contest - the reflections in the 2nd photo make for a stunning image. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Wow - that is some reflection - it looks like a polished mirror. A unique choice for this theme - very creative.