Rolling (155 of 365)


Two great things about the Florida Gulf Coast are its clear waters and its beautiful, rolling waves. I really do think I could live happily as a beach resident.


Anonymous said...

Love the way the wave seems to be frozen in time - very well done. Oh, I guess "frozen" and Florida don't go together, but you know what I mean!

Anonymous said...

I love to watch the waves rolling in. This is a wonderful shot.

KimR. said...

Great sense of motion in this shot, too, I can see the water drops!

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Really great shot of the comer, careful of what you wish, it turns out that the beach can be addictive and drive out everything else. Happy Beachcombing.

Chesney said...

I can hear the surf and feel the mist! Fabulous shot - wish I was there!

tterlyn said...

Oh my, it seams to be comming right at you. I hope your camera is not wet. Great shot. Love the water comming up and rolling over.

Lorri said...

This is beautiful and inviting! Makes me miss summer vacations on Captiva Island!