Rain, Rain, Go Away! (71 of 365)


Just some raindrops hanging out on some branches.


Chesney said...

Love those water drops, and the bokeh is perfect! Really nice!

Lorri said...

I really like the way you've caught those raindrops! Makes a rainy day just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

That is just lovely, Kerri!

Allison said...

Very pretty!

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

I thought I heard the plant say "Do you mind I'm still drinking, Take your wonderful snap and leave the rain alone!"

BobbieCoughlin said...

Great focus--the raindrops are so crisp!

Anonymous said...

That branch looks so graceful as it fills the frame, and the bokeh adds delicious softness.

Linda S said...


jo said...

Everything about this shot is perfect!

Anonymous said...

Lovely! You got those little raindrops crystal clear.