Eight (53 of 365)


Check out this tiny eight-legged guy! I happened to spot him hanging out on this leaf when I was at the botanical garden earlier this month.


Anonymous said...

Good eye! This is a spectacular macor. The leaf almost looks like blown glass. Love the shapes and colors.

Chesney said...

Gorgeous shot - I can't believe how good your eyes are, I would have never seen 8 legs! Awesome!

Debbie said...

Macro sure reveals some very special features! Great shot!

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

That is the third smallest spider I have seen this week, you have almost capture life at his eye leve; and how HE sees the world. Great Bokeh

Linda S said...

Beautiful macro.

Anonymous said...

What a tremendous shot! I love your use of selective focus here. I'll admit he is cute, as eight-legged things go. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Your focus is outstanding, cute spider and nice color.